How to decorate a balcony. How to design a vіdkritiy balcony: folding of the garniy mіstsya for vіdpochinku

The end of summer is approaching, now, the very hour of the fight about the creation of a small green oasis in the middle of the stone jungle. In today's article, I want to talk about those, how beautifully and functionally decorate a small balcony and create a quiet little place for resting on fresh look.

Chi varto peck a small balcony chi rather deprive yoga vіdkritim? It is up to you to lay everything in the form of functions, as if you are putting on a new one. If you want to increase the room for the rahunok of the area of ​​the balcony, then, obviously, you will be able to squeal. Do you provide mother with a place for repair, reading that work in the fresh air? Leave the vote.

I can say one thing, singsongly: it’s definitely not varto to power from the balcony a warehouse of inappropriate speeches! Chi v_dkrity balcony or zasleniy, yogo as much as possible vіlnim and zruchny. If we lived in Moscow in a small one-room apartment We, unfortunately, did not have such a baggy balcony. However, we easily knew the place for a bicycle, seasonal speeches and tourist gear. And if we were happy Volodarians, if we wanted a crooked balcony, then we certainly wouldn’t have zmushuvat Yogo with snowboards, valіzami and boxes from winter bugs! =) Vykoristovyte expensive meters for the meeting of your beloved city at the apartment, if only for a summer hour.

Small balcony: choice of furniture

Small vitoncheni stiltsі and a table

Folding furniture

Stіltsі, scho folded, and tables vіdmіnno vyrіshuyut the problem of lack of space. About tse I already guessed at the article about.

Hanging table and miners

Innovative style, a kind of pidide navit for a private balcony:

Move the miners to save space on the bed and allow them to move in boxes and whatnots.

And about such a richly chanted dream of a leather man, who lives at the Moscow apartment! =)


If you choose to spend a lot of time on the balcony and if you want more comfort, put a small sofa in the corner, which allows you to have an area. In this way, you should think over the food for the vologosakhist: transfer chokhs, visors, vikoristanya special vologogo material.

Suspended sofa and armchair - help of the dream! Slid respectfully put yourself up to nutritional support, carefully turn for help to a professional.


A more functional speech is a small lava with soft pillows and a place for picking up speeches. Such a lava can be vikonated for a prayer, or you can make it on your own.


If you allow space, you can install a sun lounger on the balcony, otherwise it will be a paradise for one.

Pillows and pouffes

As a result, you can create a relaxed, informal atmosphere on the balcony, while watching the furniture. Throw soft pillows, ottomans and mattresses on the bed.

Bookcase / rack

Food storage on a small balcony is a small bookcase. On it you can place miners for tickets, put tools and other equipment in boxes and nice boxes.

Bright colors for the garni mood

To create a life-like atmosphere on your balcony - lay strings of kilimki, put cushions on the chairs, sip the mountaineers. different colors. How else can you get an interior until the summer, read.

You can organize a quiet place for repair on a crooked balcony, as it is respectful to go to the food selection of furniture and decor. I wish you success in your right, and let your little balcony calm you down until winter!

Situations, if open balcony vikoristovuetsya like a collection of needed and no less than speeches, dosit is wide. A similar solution can hardly be called the best. How to sort through the moth, sing along singsongly, what more part of it can be boldly spun. And on the ebb of the mist, let yourself organize a miracle little sliver for reparation.

Features of the opened balcony

When applying for an appointment, it is necessary to insure all yogo features. Vіdkritiy balcony can't zahistu vіd rascals, vzimku vіn practically doesn't win. Picking the decor for the new, following the importance of moisture and frost-resistant materials. It is necessary to think carefully about how the furniture will not only look good, but will survive evil. Those same suffice and quotes: it’s not your fault to be afraid of the sun and be overly crying.

Then, just a little bit about correct execution prim_shchennya, it can become a beloved place for reparations. Drink tea chi kava, enjoy the chitanni cіkavoї books but by the view, which is seen - similar to the calmness of peace, especially valuable in our hour. And the garden on the balcony, with its bright farbs, is even more inspiring.
The improvement of such a place can be chosen especially relatively. It is possible to design an open balcony with your own hands, or for the help of specialists. The main help for all materials - the stench is to blame for weathering the bad weather.

What to choose for ozdoblennya for pіdloga ta stіn

Robiti pіdlogu zazvychayut іz concrete ї screed, on yak fit pokrittya.

The best materials are:
  • Vologostіyka farba. It is allowed to win, but there is a trace of remembrance that it is not old-fashioned. Repairs are needed for a few years.
  • Ceramic tiles. It is necessary to choose materials with high sloping qualities and a short surface. It is important to vrakhovuvat the vag of the tile, for the balcony to lighten the sashes.
  • Terrace decking. Breathe in lightness and miraculous waterproofing powers. Such a pіdloga on the open balcony to serve for a long time.
Decorating the garden on the balcony, next step and about the improvement of the walls. Materials are selected according to the same principles, which are at the top of the article. The stench is due to buti vologota brudostijkim, adjuncts for trivalo exploitation. Popularity is promoted as follows:
  • Plaster. It is required to select materials for facades, including special additives that protect against the appearance of cracks.
  • Porcelain stoneware. The tile has proven itself well for finishing the balcony in the middle.
  • Clapboard and siding. The best options, with which the loggia looks beautifully stretching the old term.


Before that, how to proceed without delay before the repair, it is necessary to think over the lighting on the balcony. Open the adzhe for darts better than robit the back, so that you don’t mess up the work. Optimal option- Selection of energy-saving LED lamps.

Like the same lamps, they are going to lie down in the relish of the rulers. But don’t forget about warto, what to go about when you open the place. Kindly look at the stylization of street lamps, as well as closed sconces.

How to create a garni kutochok

Looking at the ideas of design, you can come out of two principles. In the first option, the design of the balcony is transferred to the same style. Another solution is to make the balcony contrast, which will look like a bold straightening of the interior, but at the same time harmonize with it.

Furniture for balconies

To furnish the premises after the completion of the renovation of the walls and sublogs. Often, you can expand the selection of furniture on the balcony, you can add butts in the photo.

The peculiarity is important - all objects can be water-resistant, so that the wood is not naughty. Іsnuє special garden furniture as you can see temperature differences.

You can sleep on the loggia at the speku. For whom it is handy to win an air mattress.

The summer balcony looks wonderful with thinned wicker furniture made of rattan, piece or contemporary, or lozi. As if the fence is forged, then the same style of the table will fit perfectly into the interior at the same time.

It is not varto to furnish the loggia with furniture, the freedom to change is guilty. A sofa or an armchair from one side of the room is a good option for decorating a balcony beautifully. Before that, on these interior items, you can easily touch it on a warm day.
One more decision - a wooden lava with a vіdkidnoy krishkoy, as if you will become a treasure for whatever speeches. It’s not so easy to make such an embellishment for a renovated balcony with your own hands.
The balconies and loggias are far from always ablaze with great dimensions. For decoration small balcony it is necessary to choose suitable furniture. Tse mozhe a small neat set of tables and stiltsiv. The best option is plastic pieces of furniture, which are stacked in a compact pile. One more practical solution- vіdkydni sіdіnnya and stіlnіnі. Vykoristovuvat їх not less handy, lower simple furniture. Then, if you don’t need much in them, you can omit them and use them instead.

Greenery to the balcony

There is nothing to embellish the premises like decorating a balcony with quilts. Roztashovuvat їх it is possible as always, for a small loggia, such a decision should be made:

  • Placement of miners in one line of handrails.
  • The balcony will be beautiful, if you can decorate yoga in the center and at the corners.
  • In the distance, piddons іz ovnіshny side, only the stench can be but nadіyno fixed.
If space permits, then the garden on the balcony can be placed in various supports and on the gates, as well as on shelves and bookcases. On the spacious loggia, great growths look good, for example, a dwarf thuja or a palm tree. They hang out at the house, or the great mountaineers put the reins on the walls.
Protect the space by adding a garden on the balcony near the hanging pots. The stench doesn't just look beautiful. As if you rose the air of the front visor, then the stench will give a shadow, which is especially brown in the bake. And the growers themselves take away the rich sun that natural watering with wood water, so the stench will begin to bloom well.

Do not varto deprive the posture of respect for the walls. A fluffy balcony with decal vases, placed one above one in vertical rows, looking bright and silent, moreover, even now.

Selected tickets

You can blame food, yakі kvіti choose, sob take Garniy balcony. There are no suvorih recommendations, the smut could grow in the open air.

A classic option for a garden on a balcony, a photo of which is pleasing to the eye, petunias and violets come into play. The stench looks especially good at the boxes, stashed from the outer side. But it is not obov'yazkovo to be between them. Daisies and verbena, pelargoniums, nasturtiums and black-browns - all the stench of the river for creation daily interior. And on the walls you can put ivy and decorative curly liani, like adding a calm atmosphere, and also to sting the saw.

Viroshchuvat on the loggia and balconies can be not only fresh, but spicy herbs. The stinks look good in neat mountaineers, but in the future they will become suitable for preparing fresh grasses.

Vibelyuchi color scheme For the design of the balcony, it is necessary to protect the atmosphere. Even if the walls and furniture are white or otherwise neutral in color, then the rooms can be like. Behind the red walls, white, yellow, black tone look in the distance. With brown-yellow interior - blue or violet. Proper decorating - garniy way indulge your taste.

On the balcony you can buti zovsim a little roslin, for example miner for tickets h decorative tree and sprat of raised flowerpots. And you can plant greenery in yoga again. Beautifully look kviti arranged in tiers. Vzdovzh stіn large vases, then the average rosemary, and then the smallest. Illumination on the balcony to make the garden vishukanosti at the evening hour. For this varto, for example, rose garlands.
When choosing an interior for a balcony photo gallery modern design it seems cіkavі solution in different styles. It’s only necessary to choose the option to the soul, and then, for the help of the master, or with our own hands, turn one part of the apartment into a quiet little place for repair.

The design of the loggia in the style of minimalism, compact furnishings and closet space do not overwhelm the space

Similar style in decoration

The similar style is ideal, as it is planned to have a bedroom on the loggia, or to equip a chill-out. For decorating the interior, a mosaic is made, you can paint and lining yaskravі kolori, the priority is red, blue, green, yellow, purple.

There will be a bedside bed, a soft mattress, or a low bed-podium with lined textiles, a lot of pillows. You can make a little bit wider, serve as a table, replace the standard styles - pouffes, embroidered with bright ornaments. Decorate the curtains with penzliks and fringes, the light is muted: a sconce in beautiful lampshades.

Quiet accommodation, decorated in a similar style - ideal solution for sybarite zones

Ideas for Provence

For tiling on the loggia of dining areas, the place of recovery, children's rooms and the government's premises, the design in the Provence style is more suitable. In order to decorate the interior, in which the self-sufficiency of the provincial town has been created, the walls are more likely to be furnished near the light windows, for closed and insulated places to go and the trellis near the small little ones near the lining, furbished in pastel.

Light curtains, furniture with thinned legs, forged wood, photographs on the wall. Here in the design there will be additional original substations for tickets, or vertical gardening on the wallpaper.

Decorated in the style of Provence is relevant for both open air and closed loggias

Modern in interior

Victory to modernity and relevant for furnishing an office, a classic bedroom, a child's room, a distant one, a bar. To this style, there are smooth smooth lines, in some kind of lesser cuts, which is important in small spaces.

In the design, you can victorious whether or not the materials are: panels, wood, loggia improvements decorative plaster, trellises, tiles and navit stone. Furnishings for interior cladding in the Art Nouveau style, mostly, vbudovani, vykonani on zamovlennya or you can build them with your own hands.

For cladding small areas In order not to harass the space, decorate it with a wide stylnitsa.

You can also use a working style with a curvilinear style and forced by the police, and a wide ledge with acrylic, as if you will become a bar counter.

An idea for a shared space, the interior is more beautifully decorated in a single style

Decorate and decorate - style determines the details

Most of the time, the walls are covered with typical materials, and food is served graciously. Here it is important to choose the right decor items, the stench helps to create the style of the place.

Don't be fooled by the lighting scenarios, vicorize the main and additional light: diode, neon or halogen light.

Roslinnist allow to issue original interior loggias without great financial windows

Quiet and rich green - tse no-program option in the design, for a small loggia - vertical landscaping, for a spacious folding form with a welcoming hood - a garna or a bookcase with exotic dew, for an open-air occupancy - suspended compositions with curly and ampelous suits.

Proper placement of elements of decor will help correct the shape of the loggia.

Porada: In order to add exclusivity and originality, miners can design it independently.

A great role in the design is the engraving of mirrors, photo trellis and artistic painting accent wall ring out the ends, stink to change the geometry of the place, give it perspective, visually increase the space.

Show respect in the gallery to statues, in some representations of photos of beautiful loggias, there you will definitely know a lot cіkavih ideas for the design of the wet space.